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We would like to say a huge thank you to Hanger Storage Logistics for generously donating a buddy bench to our school. Seen here with our Year 1 and 2 students.


Early Years has a special visit this week from Lucia's Tiny Farm. They got to meet and handle animals as young as 5 weeks old, learning about the life cycle and different stages of growth. Fun whilst learning


What a fantastic effort from staff and children alike!


Early years funding is changing! Please do visit to find out more. From September we will be offering places for 2 years olds. Please contact us to arrange a tour of our fantastic nursery. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


Did you know many working parents can now apply for funding for their 2 year old's childcare? For more details please visit the Childcare Choices website. Our nursery will offering places for 2-4 year olds from September. Please contact us to find out more on 01295 574004


Did you know many working parents can now apply for funding for their 2 year old's childcare? For more details please visit the Childcare Choices website. Our nursery will offering places for 2-4 year olds from September. Please do contact us to find out more 01295 574004


A first for Cherry Fields! We are very excited to have welcomed Tom from into school today. Some excellent budding musicians had their first go with keyboards and guitars today.


We are very proud to show off the fabulous Christmas artwork by our Darwin and Nightingale classes, which is proudly on display at Banbury Library.If you pop down please have a look, they have pride of place as you enter! Amazing work!


Please join us at our next open event, in preparation for choosing your Reception places for next September. The Head Teacher will give a presentation, a tour of the setting and allow our prospective families the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.


The Year 3 class have had a very creative day with Banbury BID building their own lanterns, for the Christmas Parade around Banbury Town. Wonderful skills demonstrated by our children and our grown up helpers too!


We would like to say a huge thank you to the "Outstanding" team here at Cherry Fields. Our PTA presented the team with some custom made cakes and a card to show their appreciation and continued support.


On Friday we had the pleasure of welcoming the Canal and River Trust into school for a water safety assembly. Fabulous engagement from all our pupils and some great information shared. Thank you


Our Year 2 class enjoyed their first cooking lesson this week. Attenborough class made their own dough and chopped the toppings for their pizza's. They then took these home with instructions on how to cook for their dinner!


We recently welcome a talented local artist into school to work with our reception class. Delia shared her work, style, media and inspirations as well as running activities with the children allowing them to learn new techniques.


Thank you Banbury Library for sharing these beautiful pictures of our Year 1 and Year 2 class' art work after their trip to the library to celebrate World Book day 2023.


What a fantastic week celebrating World Book day! We have had breakfast and a book with our families, our reading challenge, school trip to Banbury library and now our favourite book character costumes.


We had a fantastic turn out for our breakfast and a book morning.



We welcomed in some of our parents/carers yesterday to assist with our community art project. They are helping create a fabulous Cherry Tree out of recycling materials. We cant wait to see it completed!


Here is our fabulous Reception class team dressed up for NSPCC number day!

Year 1

Curriculum Newsletter 

Johnson Class 

Welcome back! 

We hope that you have had a restful break. We are all so excited to get back to learning in school and hope your child is looking forward to the new term! 

Nut Free School 

Please can we remind you that we are a Nut Free School, so please do not pack products in the lunchboxes that may contain nuts; this includes chocolate spread. 


Children should have a P.E kit in school at all times. We suggest they bring it in to school on a Monday and take it home on a Friday to be washed.  

 Indoor PE: Children will need black shorts and a plain t-shirt in their house colour. Gym and Dance is done in bare feet. Children will need trainers or plimsolls for indoor games.  

Outdoor PE: black shorts and t-shirt, and a tracksuit or spare jumper for colder days.  Children will also need trainers.   

Jewellery: A reminder that only stud earrings and wristwatches may be worn to school. Earrings must be removed or covered for PE. Children should not wear bracelets to school. 


Uniform and water bottles 

Please make sure your child is wearing the correct school uniform and that it is clearly labelled to avoid confusion. Uniform guidelines are outlined on the school website – please contact the school office if you have any questions. All children should bring a labelled water bottle to school every day. A hydrated body means a higher functioning mind. 


Children should continue to use their blue homework book for all homework.  The children should bring their homework books in on their homework presentation day. Homework share for Johnson class is Monday. If you have any queries about the homework, please do not hesitate to come and speak to me. 


At the start of the term, during parents evening you will be given a spellings grid. A reminder of each week's spellings will be posted on Dojo. It is important to practise regularly. On Friday, the children will have a spelling quiz for the spellings they have practised during the week. 

Topic Homework Menus  

Children will have a termly topic menu with additional homework options based on our wider curriculum. We would ask that all children bring in at least one piece of homework that is based on our wider curriculum topic each term. 


We expect children to have daily opportunities to read to, or with, someone at home, as well as independently. Reading can include: books, newspapers, magazines, online reading, eBooks, reading tablets, information books, adverts, menus, poems, song lyrics – the list is endless. The important thing is that your child reads regularly (preferably daily!) and enjoys, and is engaged with, the reading! Each Friday, children will be sent home with the following:   

  • RWI book: This is a text that the children have been reading regularly in class to build fluency. They should be able to read this to you independently with minimal mistakes.  

  • Book Bag Book: This is a text that is based upon the sounds that children have been reading in class. As such, the children should be able to apply their phonics to knowledge to read all the words within the book with minimal support.   

  • Library Book: This is a text that the children have selected based upon their interest. These books are not based on prior phonics knowledge and should be shared with, or read by, an adult.  

These books should be returned to school the following Friday to be changed.    

All children have a reading diary, which they should bring to school in their book bag every day. Please record your child’s reading (as well as any additional comments) in the reading diary including the date and, where appropriate, page numbers. Halfway through the diary is a guide to help adults to support children’s reading as well as phonics/spelling guides for children as they progress through the school. To build fluency, children should read a text a minimum of three times. As such, school reading books will only be changed once per week on a Friday.   

We will check the reading record is completed regularly. If your child reads four times a week, your child will receive a raffle ticket that will be entered into our termly reading raffle. They have the chance to win a book of their choice from the selection. 





Thank you for your continued support – we are looking forward to an exciting term ahead and partnering with you in your child’s learning and development. If you have any questions or concerns, please do come and speak to me before or after school or contact the office. 


Miss Marsden 

Year 1 Class Teacher 



Letters Home Date  
Year 1 Autumn 1 Curriculum Newsletter 12th Sep 2024 Download